Customizing Commit Messages

Changesets supports configuring commit to automatically submit the current changes when running the change and bump commands.

The default commit information is provided by @changesets/cli/commit, and the default information format is:

change commit bump commit

When the default commit information cannot meet the requirements, custom commit information is supported.

Customizing Commit Message Content

Commit information is divided into two types:

  • Commit information automatically generated when running the change command.
  • Commit information automatically generated when running the bump command.

The custom logic mainly implements two functions, getAddMessage and getVersionMessage, which are used to define the above two types of information, respectively.



  • changeset

The current changeset information created.

type Release = {
  name: string;
  type: VersionType;

type Changeset = {
  summary: string;
  releases: Array<Release>;
  • options

Configuration information when committing.

When the commit configuration is an array, the second parameter supports passing in default configuration information, which will be used to pass this parameter.


Commit message content.

Default Implementation

The default processing logic of @changesets/cli/commit is to start with docs(changeset):, and the commit information is the summary of the changeset, and [skip ci] information is added according to the skipCI parameter configuration passed in.

type SkipCI = boolean | 'add' | 'version';

const getAddMessage = async (
  changeset: Changeset,
  options: { skipCI?: SkipCI } | null,
) => {
  const skipCI = options?.skipCI === 'add' || options?.skipCI === true;
  return outdent`docs(changeset): ${changeset.summary}${
    skipCI ? `\n\n[skip ci]\n` : ''

outdent is used to remove the leading whitespace content of the template string to make the commit information more compliant with the specification.



  • releasePlan
type VersionType = 'major' | 'minor' | 'patch' | 'none';

type Release = {
  name: string;
  type: VersionType;

type Changeset = {
  id: string;
  summary: string;
  releases: Array<Release>;

type ComprehensiveRelease = {
  name: string;
  type: VersionType;
  oldVersion: string;
  newVersion: string;
  changesets: string[];

type PreState = {
  mode: 'pre' | 'exit'; // Current state of pre mode
  tag: string; // Type of pre
  initialVersions: {
    [pkgName: string]: string; // Package name and version information before version upgrade
  changesets: string[]; // List of changeset ids for this upgrade

type ReleasePlan = {
  changesets: Changeset[]; // List of changesets for this upgrade
  releases: ComprehensiveRelease[]; // Information of the current upgrade, including package name, current version, upgraded version, and upgrade type
  preState: PreState | undefined; // If it is a pre-release, provide relevant state information
  • options

Configuration information when committing.

When the commit configuration is an array, the second parameter supports passing in default configuration information, which will be used to pass this parameter.


Commit message content.

Default Implementation

The default processing logic of @changesets/cli/commit is to first display the number of packages that need to be released, then display the names and new version of the released packages, and [skip ci] information is added according to the skipCI parameter configuration passed in.

const getVersionMessage = async (
  releasePlan: ReleasePlan,
  options: { skipCI?: SkipCI } | null,
) => {
  const skipCI = options?.skipCI === 'version' || options?.skipCI === true;
  const publishableReleases = releasePlan.releases.filter(
    release => release.type !== 'none',
  const numPackagesReleased = publishableReleases.length;

  const releasesLines = publishableReleases
    .map(release => `  ${}@${release.newVersion}`)

  return outdent`
    RELEASING: Releasing ${numPackagesReleased} package(s)

    ${skipCI ? `\n[skip ci]\n` : ''}


The commit field in the changesets configuration file is used to mark whether to submit commit information when running the change and bump commands, and the way to obtain commit information.

This configuration can be a boolean. When it is true, the default @changesets/cli/commit formatting commit information will be used.

This configuration can be a string, directly declaring the module name or path of the commit information acquisition module.

This configuration also supports configuring arrays. The first element in the array is the module name or path of the commit information acquisition module, and the second element is the parameter value passed to the corresponding function, which will be passed as the second parameter of the getAddMessage and getVersionMessage functions.

Configuring Relative Paths

If the commit configuration is a relative path, it is a relative path under the .changesets directory.

For example, create the .changeset/my-commit-config.js file and define the following content:

async function getAddMessage(changeset, options) {}

async function getVersionMessage(releasePlan, options) {}

module.exports = {

Configure commit as ./my-commit-config.js:

  "changelog": "./my-commit-config.js",

Using Modern.js Module

Customizing commit can also be managed using the Modern.js Module to provide a common solution.

Use npx @modern-js/create@latest to create a mModern.js Module

? Please select the type of project you want to create: Npm Module
? Please fill in the project name: custom-commit
? Please select the programming language: TS
? Please select the package manager: pnpm

Implement Custom Content

export async function getAddMessage() {}

export async function getVersionMessage() {}

Publish the module to NPM

Install the corresponding module in the root directory of the target repository, such as custom-commit

Configure the commit configuration of changesets as the package name

  "commit": "custom-commit",

Using Monorepo Sub-Project

If your current repository is Monorepo, you can directly manage it using NPM module sub-projects.

Run pnpm run new to create a module sub-project

? Please select the type of project you want to create: Npm Module
? Please fill in the sub-project name: custom-commit
? Please fill in the sub-project directory name: custom-commit
? Please select the programming language: TS

Implement Custom Content

export async function getAddMessage() {}

export async function getVersionMessage() {}

Add the sub-project module dependency, such as custom-commit, to the Monorepo root directory

  "devDependencies": {
    "custom-commit": "workspace:*",

Configure the commit configuration of Changesets as the package name

  "commit": "custom-commit",

After the module is published to NPM, it can still be used like a module type for other repositories.