Customizing Release Note Format

Modern.js provides the modern gen-release-note command, which supports automatically generating Release Note through the current existing changeset and git commit information. Before running the release command, you can run this command to generate the Release Note for this release.

The default generated Release Note format is:

- fix: add missing type definitions by @zllkjc in

Get the Pull Request ID of the changeset through the commit information, and generate a Github link, which includes the changeset's changelog information and author information.


To get author information, you need to provide the Github Token environment variable, which is passed in through GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN.

When the default generated Release Note logic cannot meet the requirements, custom Release Note format is supported.



To generate Release Note information, some information needs to be collected, such as commit ID, Pull Request ID, commit message, etc.

This logic can be implemented through the getReleaseInfo function.


  • commit

Type: string;

The commit message information corresponding to the current changeset.

The result of executing git log --pretty=format:%h--%s--%ae .changeset/${}.md.

  • commitObj

Basic information about commit.

export enum CommitType {
  Performance = 'performance',
  Features = 'features',
  BugFix = 'bugFix',
  Doc = 'doc',
  Other = 'other',

interface Commit {
  id: string; // commit id
  type: CommitType;
  repository?: string; // Repo information passed in as a parameter or defined in package.json
  pullRequestId?: string;
  author?: string;
  message: string; // Commit message
  summary: string; // Changeset summary
  summary_zh: string; // Changeset summary in Chinese
  [key: string]: string | undefined;


commitObj, the complete commit object after supplementation.

Default Implementation

The default implementation of Modern.js is to split out the Pull Request ID based on the commit information, and get the user information based on the commit ID and add it to the commitObj.

function getReleaseInfo(commit: string, commitObj: Commit) {
const commitRegex = /(.*)\(#(\d*)\)/;

  const [commitId, message, email] = commit.split('--');

  const author = AuthorMap.get(email);
  const token = authToken || process.env.GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN;
  if (author) { = author;
  } else if (repo && token) {
    try {
      const res = await axios.get(
          method: 'GET',
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            Authorization: token,
      const author =; = author;
      AuthorMap.set(email, author);
    } catch (e) {

  if ((message || commitObj.summary).match(commitRegex)) {
    const [, messageShort, pullRequestId] = (
      message || commitObj.summary
    commitObj.pullRequestId = pullRequestId;
    commitObj.message = messageShort.trim();

  return commitObj;


Generate the corresponding Release Note based on the commit object information getted in getReleaseInfo.

This logic can be implemented through the getReleaseNoteLine function.


  • commit

The type is the same as the above commitObj type.

  • lang

Type: string;

Get the Release Note information of the corresponding language, supporting en and zh, the default is en.


The generated Release Note.

Default Implementation

The default implementation of Modern.js is:

export function getReleaseNoteLine(
  commit: Commit,
  lang: 'en' | 'zh' = 'en',
) {
  const { repository, pullRequestId, summary, summary_zh, author } = commit;
  const pullRequest =
    pullRequestId && repository
      ? `${repository}/pull/${pullRequestId}`
      : '';
  if (lang === 'en') {
    return `- ${summary}${author ? ` by @${author}` : ''}${
      pullRequest ? ` in ${pullRequest}` : ''
  return `- ${summary_zh}${author ? ` 由 @${author} 实现` : ''}${
    pullRequest ? `, 详情可查看 ${pullRequest}` : ''

Using Custom Modules

The gen-release-note command supports the --custom parameter, which can pass in the module name or path of the custom Release Note module.

Configuring Relative Paths

If the custom parameter value is a relative path, it is the project root directory.

For example, create the scripts/my-release-note-config.js file and define the following content:

function getReleaseInfo(commit, commitObj) {
  return commitObj;

function getReleaseNoteLine(commit) {}

module.exports = {

Run the following command:

pnpm run gen-release-note --custom ./scripts/my-release-note-config.js

You can also define the command parameters directly in package.json:

    "scripts": {
        "gen-release-note": "modern gen-release-note --custom ./scripts/my-release-note-config.js"

Run the command pnpm run gen-release-note directly.

Using Modern.js Module

Customizing release note can also be managed using the Modern.js Module to provide a common solution.

Use npx @modern-js/create@latest to create a Modern.js Module

? Please select the type of project you want to create: Npm Module
? Please fill in the project name: custom-release-note
? Please select the programming language: TS
? Please select the package manager: pnpm

Implement Custom Content

export function getReleaseInfo() {}

export function getReleaseNoteLine() {}

Publish the module to NPM

Install the corresponding module in the root directory of the target repository, such as custom-release-note

Run the gen-release-note command with the custom parameter added

pnpm run gen-release-note --custom custom-release-note

Using Monorepo Sub-Project

If your current repository is Monorepo, you can directly manage it using NPM module sub-projects.

Run pnpm run new to create a module sub-project

? Please select the type of project you want to create: Npm Module
? Please fill in the sub-project name: custom-release-note
? Please fill in the sub-project directory name: custom-release-note
? Please select the programming language: TS

Implement Custom Content

export function getReleaseInfo() {}

export function getReleaseNoteLine() {}

Add the sub-project module dependency, such as custom-release-note, to the Monorepo root directory

  "devDependencies": {
    "custom-release-note": "workspace:*",

Run the gen-release-note command with the custom parameter added

pnpm run gen-release-note --custom custom-release-note

After the module is published to NPM, it can still be used like a module type for other repositories.