
This section describes all configuration of Modern.js Module related to debugging tools.



Deprecated: This configuration is deprecated and only applicable to Storybook V6. Please see 使用Storybook to get more info.


  • Type: object | Function | undefined
  • Default: undefined
export default {
  dev: {
    storybook: {
      webpack(config) {
        return config;

You can modify the webpack configuration of the Storybook Preview-iframe via dev.storybook.webpack. The usage can be found in the tools.webpack configuration of Modern.js Builder.


Configure Manager App

For the webpack configuration of the Storybook Manager app section, you can configure it by adding the ./config/storybook/main.js file to configure it.

// ./config/storybook/main.js

module.exports = {
  // it controls the Storybook manager app
  managerWebpack: async (config, options) => {
    // update config here
    return config;


  • Type: Function | undefined
  • Default: undefined
export default {
  dev: {
    storybook: {
      webpackChain(chain) {
        return chain;

You can modify the webpack configuration of the Storybook Preview-iframe via dev.storybook.webpackChain. You can refer to Modern.js Builder's tools.webpackChain configuration for how to use it.