
Files that declare API routes in the BFF Function Mode. Except for some convention files, files in the api directory will be registered as the routes.


Using the api directory requires enabling the BFF feature, and you need to run the new command in the project to enable the "BFF" feature.

This file supports using the js or ts language, but you must use esm syntax to export functions.

Routing File Convention

Default Routing

The routing system will map files named index to the previous directory.

  • api/index.ts -> $BASENAME/
  • api/user/index.ts -> $BASENAME/user

Nested Routing

The routing system also supports parsing nested files. If you create a nested folder structure, the files will still automatically resolve routes in the same way.

  • api/hello.ts -> $BASENAME/hello
  • api/user/list.ts -> $BASENAME/user/list

Dynamic Routing

The routing system supports generating dynamic routes through file directories named with [].

  • api/user/[username]/info.ts -> $BASENAME/user/:username/info
  • api/user/[username]/delete.ts -> $BASENAME/user/:username/delete
  • api/article/[id]/info.ts -> $BASENAME/article/:id/info

The $BASENAME can be configured in modern.config.js, and the default value is /api.

Allow List

By default, all files in the api directory will be parsed as BFF function files, but we also set a white list for these files that are not parsed:

  • Files whose names start with _. For example: _utils.ts.
  • All files in folders whose names start with _. For example: _utils/index.ts, _utils/cp.ts.
  • Test files. For example: foo.test.ts.
  • TypeScript type files. For example: hello.d.ts.
  • Files under node_modules.

Function Definition

In addition to the routing rules above, there are also conventions for function definitions and exports in the code.

Functions are exported by name, and the name of the exported function is the HTTP method accepted by the corresponding interface, that is:

export const get = async () => {
  return {
    name: 'Modern.js',
    desc: 'Modern web Solutions',

By exporting functions in this way, you will get a GET interface.

The application project supports 9 Method definitions, namely: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, CONNECT, TRACE, PATCH, OPTION, HEAD, that is, these Methods can be used as the names of the exported functions.

The name is case-insensitive, that is, if it is GET, it can be written as get, Get, GEt, GET, all of which can be accurately recognized. The default export, that is, export default xxx, will be mapped to Get.

Because delete is a keyword in JavaScript, you can use del or DELETE instead.

Multiple functions with different Methods can be defined in one file, but if multiple functions with the same Method are defined, only the first one will take effect.


It should be noted that the defined functions should all be asynchronous, which is related to the type when calling the function.