
Used to extend Modern.js built-in Web Server, all page requests are handled by these hooks.


For more detail, see Extend Web Server.


import { AfterMatchHook, AfterRenderHook } from '@modern-js/runtime/server';

export const afterMatch: AfterMatchHook = (context, next) => {};
export const afterRender: AfterRenderHook = (context, next) => {};

Before using this API, please execute pnpm run new to create a new "Custom Web Server" source code directory.

pnpm run new
? Please select the operation you want: Create Elements
? Please select the type of element to create: New "Custom Web Server" source code directory

Function Signature

type HookContext = {
  response: {
    set: (key: string, value: string) => void;
    status: (code: number) => void;
    getStatus: () => number;
    cookies: {
      set: (key: string, value: string, options?: any) => void;
      clear: () => void;
    raw: (
      body: string,
      { status, headers }: { status: number; headers: Record<string, any> },
    ) => void;
  request: {
    host: string;
    pathname: string;
    query: Record<string, any>;
    cookie: string;
    cookies: {
      get: (key: string) => string;
    headers: IncomingHttpHeaders;

function Hook(context: HookContext, next: NextFunction): Promsie<void> | void;

different Hooks additionally provide different contexts. Currently Modern.js support AfterMatch and AfterRender.

type AfterMatchContext = HookContext & {
  router: {
    redirect: (url: string, status: number) => void;
    rewrite: (entry: string) => void;

type AfterRenderContext = {
  template: {
    get: () => string;
    set: (html: string) => void;
    prependHead: (fragment: string) => void;
    appendHead: (fragment: string) => void;
    prependBody: (fragment: string) => void;
    appendBody: (fragment: string) => void;


  • context: Hook context.
    • response: provides a series of methods to process the response.
    • request: provides a series of methods to get request info.
    • router: provides methods on routing.
    • template: provides methods on content.
  • next: call next listener (not affect the server process, only current hook).



Redirect to pages outside the site, for example to login page:

import type { AfterMatch } from '@modern-js/runtime/server';

export const afterMatch: AfterMatch = async (ctx, next) => {
  ctx.router.redirect('https://website.com/login', 302);


Rewrite to pages of the current site, for example, the same route returns pages that are adapted to different UA:

import type { AfterMatch } from '@modern-js/runtime/server';

export const afterMatch: AfterMatch = async (ctx, next) => {

HTML Inject

Inject some HTML content to the page, such as scripts, page skeletons, etc.:

import type { AfterRender } from '@modern-js/runtime/server';

export const afterRender: AfterRenderHook = (context, next) => {