

Soon to be deprecated, it is recommended to use render.

Used to start and mount App, usually not manually called. This API is only required when using Custom Bootstrap.


import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { bootstrap } from '@modern-js/runtime';

bootstrap(App, 'root', undefined, ReactDOM);

Function Signature

type BootStrap<T = unknown> = (
  App: React.ComponentType,
  id: string | HTMLElement | RuntimeContext,
  root?: any,
  ReactDOM?: {
    render?: Renderer;
    hydrate?: Renderer;
    createRoot?: typeof createRoot;
    hydrateRoot?: typeof hydrateRoot;
) => Promise<T>;


  • AppComponent: The ReactElement instance created by createApp.
  • rootId: DOM root element id to mount, such as "root".
  • root: The return value of ReactDOM.createRoot, used for scenarios where the root needs to be destroyed outside of the bootstrap function.
  • ReactDOM: The ReactDOM object, used to differentiate between React 18 and React 17 APIs.


import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { createApp, bootstrap } from '@modern-js/runtime';

function App() {
  return <div>Hello Modern.js</div>;

const WrappedApp = createApp({
  // customized plugin
  plugins: [customPlugin()],

bootstrap(WrappedApp, 'root', undefined, ReactDOM);

since @modern-js/runtime/plugins is a alias, when used in a ts project, its type needs to be declared, Just add the following type declarations to src/modern-app-env.d.ts:

declare module '@modern-js/runtime/plugins';

bootstrap only supported for use in CSR.