In-depth understanding of build

In the "Basic Usage" section, we already knew that you can modify the output files of a project through the buildConfig configuration. buildConfig not only describes some of the features of the product, but also provides some functionality for building the product.


If you are not familiar with buildConfig, please read modify-output-product.

In this chapter we'll dive into the use of certain build configurations and understand what happens when the modern build command is executed.

bundle / bundleless

So first let's understand bundle and bundleless.

A bundle is a package of build artifacts, which may be a single file or multiple files based on a certain code splitting strategy.

bundleless, on the other hand, means that each source file is compiled and built separately, but not bundled together. Each output file can be found with its corresponding source code file. The process of bundleless build can also be understood as the process of code conversion of source files only.

They have their own benefits.

  • bundle can reduce the size of build artifacts and also pre-package dependencies to reduce the size of installed dependencies. Packaging libraries in advance can speed up application project builds.
  • bundleless maintains the original file structure and is more conducive to debugging and tree shaking.

bundleless is a single-file compilation mode, so for referencing and exporting types, you need to add the type keyword. For example, import type { A } from './types'. Please refer to the esbuild documentation for more information.

In buildConfig you can specify whether the current build task is bundle or bundleless by using buildConfig.buildType.

input / sourceDir

buildConfig.input is used to specify the path to a file or directory from which to read the source code, the default value of which varies between bundle and bundleless builds:

  • When buildType: 'bundle', input defaults to src/index.(j|t)sx?.
  • When buildType: 'bundleless', input defaults to ['src'].

From the default value, we know that building in bundle mode usually specifies one or more files as the entry point for the build, while building in bundleless mode specifies a directory and uses all the files in that directory as the entry point.

sourceDir is used to specify the source directory, which is only related to the following two elements:

  • Type file generation
  • outbase for specifying the build process

So we can get its best practices:

  • Only specify input during the bundle build.
  • In general, bundleless only needs to specify sourceDir (where input will be aligned with sourceDir). If we want to use the input in bundleless, we only need to specify sourceDir.

If you want to convert only some of the files in bundleless, e.g. only the files in the src/runtime directory, you need to configure input:

import { defineConfig } from '@modern-js/module-tools';

export default defineConfig({
  buildConfig: {
    input: ['src/runtime'],
    sourceDir: 'src',

use swc

In some scenarios, esbuild is not enough to meet our needs, and we will use swc to do the code conversion.

Starting from version 2.36.0, the Modern.js Module will use swc by default when it comes to the following functionality, but that doesn't mean we don't use esbuild any more, the rest of the functionality will still use esbuild.

In fact, we've been using swc for full code conversion since version 2.16.0. However, swc also has some limitations, so we added sourceType to turn off swc when the source is formatted as 'commonjs', which isn't really user-intuitive, and the cjs mode of the swc formatted outputs don't have annotate each export name, which can cause problems in node. So we deprecated this behaviour and went back to the original design - using swc as a supplement only in situations where it was needed.

Using Hooks to Intervene in the Build Process

The Modern.js Module provides a Hook mechanism that allows us to inject custom logic at different stages of the build process. The Modern.js Module Hook is implemented using tapable, which extends esbuild's plugin mechanism, and is recommended to be used directly if esbuild plugins already meet your needs. Here's how to use it:

Hook type


Serial hooks that stop the execution of other tapped functions if a tapped function returns a non-undefined result.


Serial hooks whose results are passed to the next tapped function.

Hook Order

The execution order of hooks follows the registration order. You can control whether a hook is registered before or after the built-in hooks using applyAfterBuiltIn.

Hook API


  • AsyncSeriesBailHook
  • Triggered at esbuild onLoad callbacks to fetch module content based on the module path
  • Input parameters
interface LoadArgs {
  path: string;
  namespace: string;
  suffix: string;
  • Return parameters
type LoadResult =
  | {
      contents: string; // module contents
      map?: SourceMap; //
      loader?: Loader; //
      resolveDir?: string;
  | undefined;
  • Example
compiler.hooks.load.tapPromise('load content from memfs', async args => {
  const contents = memfs.readFileSync(args.path);
  return {
    contents: contents,
    loader: 'js',


  • AsyncSeriesWaterFallHooks
  • Triggered at esbuild onLoad callbacks. Transforms the contents of the module fetched during the load phase
  • Input parameters (return parameters)
export type Source = {
  code: string;
  map?: SourceMap;
  path: string;
  loader?: string;
  • Example
compiler.hooks.transform.tapPromise('6to5', async args => {
  const result = babelTransform(args.code, { presets: ['@babel/preset-env'] });
  return {
    code: result.code,


  • AsyncSeriesWaterFallHooks
  • Triggered at esbuild onEnd callbacks. This is similar to the transform hook, but works on the artifacts generated by esbuild.
  • Input parameters (return parameters)
export type AssetChunk = {
  type: 'asset';
  contents: string | Buffer;
  entryPoint?: string;
   * absolute file path
  fileName: string;
  originalFileName?: string;

export type JsChunk = {
  type: 'chunk';
  contents: string;
  entryPoint?: string;
   * absolute file path
  fileName: string;
  map?: SourceMap;
  modules?: Record<string, any>;
  originalFileName?: string;

export type Chunk = AssetChunk | JsChunk;
  • Examples
compiler.hooks.renderChunk.tapPromise('minify', async chunk => {
  if (chunk.type === 'chunk') {
    const code = chunk.contents.toString();
    const result = await, code);
    return {
      contents: result.code,
  return chunk;


The buildConfig.dts configuration is mainly used for type file generation.

Turn off type generation

Type generation is turned on by default, if you need to turn it off, you can configure it as follows:

import { defineConfig } from '@modern-js/module-tools';

export default defineConfig({
  buildConfig: {
    dts: false,

The build speed is generally improved by closing the type file.

Build type files

With buildType: 'bundleless', type files are generated using the project's tsc command to complete production.

The Modern.js Module also supports bundling of type files, although care needs to be taken when using this feature.

  • Bundle type files does not enable type checking.
  • Some third-party dependencies have incorrect syntax that can cause the bundling process to fail. So in this case, you need to exclude such third-party packages manually with buildConfig.externals or close dts.respectExternal to external all third-party packages types.
  • It is not possible to handle the case where the type file of a third-party dependency points to a .ts file. For example, the package.json of a third-party dependency contains something like this: {"types": ". /src/index.ts"}.

For the above problems, our recommended approach is to first use tsc to generate d.ts files, then package the index.d.ts as the entry and close dts.respectExternal. In the future evolution, we will gradually move towards this handling approach.

Alias Conversion

During the bundleless build process, if an alias appears in the source code, e.g.

import utils from '@common/utils';

The type files generated with tsc will also contain these aliases. However, Modern.js Module will convert the aliases in the type file generated by tsc.

Some examples of the use of dts

General usage:

import { defineConfig } from '@modern-js/module-tools';

export default defineConfig({
  // The output path of the bundled type file at this point is `./dist/types`
  buildConfig: {
    buildType: 'bundle',
    dts: {
      tsconfigPath: './other-tsconfig.json',
      distPath: './types',
    outDir: './dist',

For the use of dts.only:

import { defineConfig } from '@modern-js/module-tools';

export default defineConfig({
  // At this moment the type file is not bundled and the output path is `./dist/types`
  buildConfig: [
      buildType: 'bundle',
      dts: false,
      outDir: './dist',
      buildType: 'bundleless',
      dts: {
        only: true,
      outDir: './dist/types',

Build process

When the modern build command is executed, the

  • Clear the output directory according to buildConfig.outDir.
  • Compile js/ts source code to generate the JS build artifacts for bundle/bundleless.
  • Generate bundle/bundleless type files using tsc.
  • Handle Copy tasks.

Build errors

When a build error occurs, based on the information learned above, it is easy to understand what error appears in the terminal.

Errors reported for js or ts builds:

error  ModuleBuildError:

│ bundle failed:        │
│  - format is "cjs"│  - target is "esnext"╰───────────────────────╯

Detailed Information:

Errors reported for the type file generation process:

error   ModuleBuildError:

bundle DTS failed:

For js/ts build errors, we can tell from the error message.

  • By 'bundle failed:' to determine if the error is reported for a bundle build or a bundleless build
  • What is the format of the build process
  • What is the target of the build process
  • The specific error message

Debug mode

From 2.36.0, For troubleshooting purposes, the Modern.js Module provides a debug mode, which you can enable by adding the DEBUG=module environment variable when executing a build.

DEBUG=module modern build

In debug mode, you'll see more detailed build logs output in Shell, which are mainly process logs:

module run beforeBuildTask hooks +6ms
module run beforeBuildTask hooks done +0ms
module [DTS] Build Start +139ms
module [CJS] Build Start +1ms

In addition, Module provides the ability to debug internal workflows. You can enable more detailed debugging logging by setting the DEBUG=module:* environment variable.

Currently, only DEBUG=module:resolve is supported, which allows you to see a detailed log of module resolution within the Module.

module:resolve onResolve args: {
  path: './src/hooks/misc.ts',
  importer: '',
  namespace: 'file',
  resolveDir: '/Users/bytedance/modern.js/packages/solutions/module-tools',
  kind: 'entry-point',
  pluginData: undefined
} +0ms
  module:resolve onResolve result: {
  path: '/Users/bytedance/modern.js/packages/solutions/module-tools/src/hooks/misc.ts',
  external: false,
  namespace: 'file',
  sideEffects: undefined,
  suffix: ''
} +0ms