In-depth understanding of the dev command

The dev command provided by the Modern.js Module is mainly used for debugging the code.

The overall flow of the command run

  1. When the dev command is executed, Modern.js Module starts looking for debugging tools or tasks that can be executed. A debugging tool or task is a Modern.js Module debugging tool plugin like module doc.
  2. When a debugging tool is found, it is executed immediately.
  3. When multiple debugging tools are found, the debugging tools list menu is displayed. A debug tool can be started by selecting the name option corresponding to it.
  4. When no debug tool is found, the user is informed that no debug tool is available.

In addition to the dev command, you can also start a debugging tool or task directly by using the dev [debug tool name] option.

Extending the dev command

If you need to extend the dev command, or rather provide your own Modern.js Module debugging tool plugin, then you will need to know the following first.

In general, the code to implement a debugging tool that does nothing and the associated configuration is as follows.

export const myPlugin = (): CliPlugin<ModuleTools> => ({
  name: 'do-nothing',
  setup() {
    return {
      registerDev() {
        return {
          // Debugging tool name
          name: 'do-nothing',
          // Menu display content
          menuItem: {
            name: 'DoNothing',
            value: 'do-nothing',
          // The defined dev subcommand
          subCommands: ['donothing', 'dn'],
          async action() {
            // dev logic
  'Run build --watch, and do nothing.');

If this debugging tool plugin is required, it needs to be added to the configuration file.

import doNothingPlugin from './plugins/do-nothing';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [

At this point we can execute it when we execute the dev or dev do-nothing command. After execution, it will first execute the source build task in listening mode and print the log messages immediately afterwards.

For currently officially supported debugging tools and third-party supported debugging tools, you can view them in plugins list.