
  • Type: Object | Function
  • Default:
type DefaultParameters = {
  mountId: string; // corresponding to html.mountId config
  entryName: string; // entry name
  assetPrefix: string; // corresponding to output.assetPrefix config
  compilation: webpack.Compilation; // Compilation object corresponding to webpack
  webpackConfig: config; // webpack config
  // htmlWebpackPlugin built-in parameters
  // See for details
  htmlWebpackPlugin: {
    tags: object;
    files: object;
    options: object;

Define the parameters in the HTML template, corresponding to the templateParameters config of html-webpack-plugin. You can use the config as an object or a function.

If it is an object, it will be merged with the default parameters. For example:

export default {
  html: {
    templateParameters: {
      title: 'My App',

If it is a function, the default parameters will be passed in, and you can return an object to override the default parameters. For example:

export default {
  html: {
    templateParameters(defaultValue, { entryName }) {
      const params = {
        foo: {
          type: 'Foo',
        bar: {
          type: 'Bar',
          hello: 'world',
      return params[entryName] || defaultValue;

For detailed usage, please refer to Rsbuild - html.templateParameters.