
  • Type: Function | undefined
  • Default: undefined
  • Bundler: only support webpack

You can modify the webpack configuration by configuring tools.webpackChain which is type of Function. The function receives two parameters, the first is the original webpack chain object, and the second is an object containing some utils.

Compared with tools.webpack, webpack-chain not only supports chained calls, but also can locate built-in Rule or Plugin based on aliases, so as to achieve precise config modification. We recommend using tools.webpackChain instead of tools.webpack.

tools.webpackChain is executed earlier than tools.webpack and thus will be overridden by changes in tools.webpack.



  • Type: 'development' | 'production' | 'test'

The env parameter can be used to determine whether the current environment is development, production or test. For example:

export default {
  tools: {
    webpackChain: (chain, { env }) => {
      if (env === 'development') {


  • Type: boolean

The isProd parameter can be used to determine whether the current environment is production. For example:

export default {
  tools: {
    webpackChain: (chain, { isProd }) => {
      if (isProd) {


  • Type: 'web' | 'node' | 'modern-web' | 'web-worker'

The target parameter can be used to determine the current environment. For example:

export default {
  tools: {
    webpackChain: (chain, { target }) => {
      if (target === 'node') {
        // ...


  • Type: boolean

Determines whether the target environment is node, equivalent to target === 'node'.

export default {
  tools: {
    webpackChain: (chain, { isServer }) => {
      if (isServer) {
        // ...


  • Type: boolean

Determines whether the target environment is web-worker, equivalent to target === 'web-worker'.

export default {
  tools: {
    webpackChain: (chain, { isWebWorker }) => {
      if (isWebWorker) {
        // ...


  • Type: typeof import('webpack')

The webpack instance. For example:

export default {
  tools: {
    webpackChain: (chain, { webpack }) => {


  • Type: typeof import('html-webpack-plugin')

The HtmlWebpackPlugin instance:

export default {
  tools: {
    webpackChain: (chain, { HtmlWebpackPlugin }) => {


Some common Chain IDs are predefined in the Modern.js, and you can use these IDs to locate the built-in Rule or Plugin.


Please note that some of the rules or plugins listed below are not available by default. They will only be included in the webpack configuration when you enable specific options or register certain plugins.

For example, the RULE.STYLUS rule exists only when the Stylus plugin is registered.


ID Description
RULE.JS Rule for js
RULE.TS Rule for ts
RULE.CSS Rule for css
RULE.LESS Rule for less
RULE.SASS Rule for sass
RULE.STYLUS Rule for stylus(requires Stylus plugin)
RULE.SVG Rule for svg
RULE.PUG Rule for pug
RULE.TOML Rule for toml
RULE.YAML Rule for yaml
RULE.NODE Rule for node
RULE.FONT Rule for font
RULE.IMAGE Rule for image
RULE.MEDIA Rule for media


ONE_OF.XXX can match a certain type of rule in the rule array.

ID Description
ONE_OF.SVG Rules for SVG, automatic choice between data URI and separate file
ONE_OF.SVG_URL Rules for SVG, output as a separate file
ONE_OF.SVG_INLINE Rules for SVG, inlined into bundles as data URIs
ONE_OF.SVG_ASSETS Rules for SVG, automatic choice between data URI and separate file


USE.XXX can match a certain loader.

ID Description
USE.TS correspond to ts-loader
USE.CSS correspond to css-loader
USE.LESS correspond to less-loader
USE.SASS correspond to sass-loader
USE.STYLUS correspond to stylus-loader
USE.PUG correspond to pug-loader
USE.VUE correspond to vue-loader
USE.TOML correspond to toml-loader
USE.YAML correspond to yaml-loader
USE.NODE correspond to node-loader
USE.URL correspond to url-loader
USE.SVGR correspond to @svgr/webpack
USE.BABEL correspond to babel-loader
USE.STYLE correspond to style-loader
USE.POSTCSS correspond to postcss-loader
USE.CSS_MODULES_TS correspond to css-modules-typescript-loader
USE.MINI_CSS_EXTRACT correspond to mini-css-extract-plugin.loader
USE.RESOLVE_URL_LOADER_FOR_SASS correspond to resolve-url-loader


PLUGIN.XXX can match a certain webpack plugin.

ID Description
PLUGIN.HMR correspond to HotModuleReplacementPlugin
PLUGIN.COPY correspond to CopyWebpackPlugin
PLUGIN.HTML correspond to HtmlWebpackPlugin, you need to splice the entry name when using: ${PLUGIN.HTML}-${entryName}
PLUGIN.DEFINE correspond to DefinePlugin
PLUGIN.IGNORE correspond to IgnorePlugin
PLUGIN.BANNER correspond to BannerPlugin
PLUGIN.PROGRESS correspond to Webpackbar
PLUGIN.APP_ICON correspond to AppIconPlugin
PLUGIN.MANIFEST correspond to WebpackManifestPlugin
PLUGIN.TS_CHECKER correspond to ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin
PLUGIN.INLINE_HTML correspond to InlineChunkHtmlPlugin
PLUGIN.BUNDLE_ANALYZER correspond to WebpackBundleAnalyzer
PLUGIN.MINI_CSS_EXTRACT correspond to MiniCssExtractPlugin
PLUGIN.VUE_LOADER_PLUGIN correspond to VueLoaderPlugin
PLUGIN.REACT_FAST_REFRESH correspond to ReactFastRefreshPlugin
PLUGIN.NODE_POLYFILL_PROVIDE correspond to ProvidePlugin for node polyfills
PLUGIN.SUBRESOURCE_INTEGRITY correspond to webpack-subresource-integrity
PLUGIN.ASSETS_RETRY correspond to webpack static asset retry plugin
PLUGIN.AUTO_SET_ROOT_SIZE correspond to automatically set root font size plugin


MINIMIZER.XXX can match a certain minimizer.

ID Description
MINIMIZER.JS correspond to TerserWebpackPlugin
MINIMIZER.CSS correspond to CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin
MINIMIZER.ESBUILD correspond to ESBuildPlugin
MINIMIZER.SWC correspond to SwcWebpackPlugin


For usage examples, please refer to: WebpackChain usage examples.