
  • Type: Object | Function
  • Default:
  displayName: true,
  // `isSSR` is true in SSR build
  ssr: isSSR,
  // `pure` is enabled in production to reduce bundle size
  pure: isProd,
  transpileTemplateLiterals: true,

tools.styledComponents config is corresponding to babel-plugin-styled-components, or @swc/plugin-styled-components when using SWC plugin.

When the value is an Object, use the Object.assign function to merge with the default config. For example:

export default {
  tools: {
    styledComponents: {
      pure: false,

When the config is a Function, the first parameter is the default configuration, and the second parameter provides some utility functions that can be called directly:

export default {
  tools: {
    styledComponents(config) {
      config.pure = false;

The feature is enabled by default, and you can configure tools.styledComponents to false to disable this behavior, which can improve build performance:

export default {
  tools: {
    styledComponents: false,