
    • Type: Object
    • Default: { strategy: 'split-by-experience' }

    performance.chunkSplit is used to configure the chunk splitting strategy. The type of ChunkSplit is as follows:

    type ForceSplitting = RegExp[] | Record<string, RegExp>;
    interface BaseChunkSplit {
        | 'split-by-module'
        | 'split-by-experience'
        | 'all-in-one'
        | 'single-vendor';
      override?: SplitChunks;
      forceSplitting?: ForceSplitting;
    interface SplitBySize {
      strategy?: 'split-by-size';
      minSize?: number;
      maxSize?: number;
      override?: SplitChunks;
      forceSplitting?: ForceSplitting;
    interface SplitCustom {
      strategy?: 'custom';
      splitChunks?: SplitChunks;
      forceSplitting?: ForceSplitting;
    export type ChunkSplit = BaseChunkSplit | SplitBySize | SplitCustom;

    The usage of this configuration item is exactly the same as that of Rsbuild. For detailed information, please refer to Rsbuild - performance.chunkSplit.