
  • Type: Object
  • Default: { strategy: 'split-by-experience' }

performance.chunkSplit is used to configure the chunk splitting strategy. The type of ChunkSplit is as follows:

type ForceSplitting = RegExp[] | Record<string, RegExp>;

interface BaseChunkSplit {
    | 'split-by-module'
    | 'split-by-experience'
    | 'all-in-one'
    | 'single-vendor';
  override?: SplitChunks;
  forceSplitting?: ForceSplitting;

interface SplitBySize {
  strategy?: 'split-by-size';
  minSize?: number;
  maxSize?: number;
  override?: SplitChunks;
  forceSplitting?: ForceSplitting;

interface SplitCustom {
  strategy?: 'custom';
  splitChunks?: SplitChunks;
  forceSplitting?: ForceSplitting;

export type ChunkSplit = BaseChunkSplit | SplitBySize | SplitCustom;


Builder supports the following chunk splitting strategies:

  • split-by-experience: an empirical splitting strategy, automatically splits some commonly used npm packages into chunks of moderate size.

  • split-by-module: split by NPM package granularity, each NPM package corresponds to a chunk.

  • split-by-size: automatically split according to module size.

  • all-in-one: bundle all codes into one chunk.

  • single-vendor: bundle all NPM packages into a single chunk.

  • custom: custom chunk splitting strategy.

Default Strategy

Builder adopts the split-by-experience strategy by default, which is a strategy we have developed from experience. Specifically, when the following npm packages are referenced in your project, they will automatically be split into separate chunks:

  • lib-polyfill.js: includes core-js, @babel/runtime, @swc/helpers, tslib.
  • lib-react.js: includes react, react-dom.
  • lib-router.js: includes react-router, react-router-dom, history, @remix-run/router.
  • lib-antd.js: includes antd.
  • lib-arco.js: includes @arco-design/web-react.
  • lib-semi.js: includes @douyinfe/semi-ui.

If the above npm packages are not installed or used in the project, the corresponding chunk will not be generated.

If you want to use other splitting strategies, you can specify it via performance.chunkSplit.strategy.


The split-by-module strategy is not supported when using Rspack as the bundler.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 10000

When performance.chunkSplit.strategy is split-by-size, you can specify the minimum size of a chunk via performance.chunkSplit.minSize, the unit is bytes. The default value is 10000. For example:

export default {
  performance: {
    chunkSplit: {
      strategy: 'split-by-size',
      minSize: 20000,


  • Type: number
  • Default: Infinity

When performance.chunkSplit.strategy is split-by-size, you can specify the maximum size of a chunk via performance.chunkSplit.maxSize, the unit is bytes. The default value is Infinity. For example:

export default {
  performance: {
    chunkSplit: {
      strategy: 'split-by-size',
      maxSize: 50000,


  • Type: RegExp[] | Record<string, RegExp>
  • Default: []

Via performance.chunkSplit.forceSplitting, you can specify the NPM packages that need to be forced to split.

For example, split the axios library under node_modules into axios.js:

export default {
   performance: {
     chunkSplit: {
       strategy: 'split-by-experience',
       forceSplitting: {
         axios: /node_modules\/axios/,

This is an easier way than configuring webpack's splitChunks directly.


Chunks split using the forceSplitting configuration will be inserted into the HTML file as resources requested for the initial screen using <script> tags. Therefore, please split them appropriately based on the actual scenario to avoid excessive size of initial screen resources.


When performance.chunkSplit.strategy is custom, you can specify the custom webpack chunk splitting config via performance.chunkSplit.splitChunks. This config will be merged with the webpack splitChunks config (the cacheGroups config will also be merged). For example:

export default {
  performance: {
    chunkSplit: {
      strategy: 'custom',
      splitChunks: {
        cacheGroups: {
          react: {
            test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](react|react-dom)[\\/]/,
            name: 'react',
            chunks: 'all',


When performance.chunkSplit.strategy is split-by-experience, split-by-module, split-by-size or single-vendor, you can specify the custom webpack chunk splitting config via performance.chunkSplit.override. This config will be merged with the webpack splitChunks config (the cacheGroups config will also be merged). For example:

export default {
  performance: {
    chunkSplit: {
      strategy: 'split-by-experience',
      override: {
        cacheGroups: {
          react: {
            test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](react|react-dom)[\\/]/,
            name: 'react',
            chunks: 'all',

When the Builder target is "node", since Node Bundles do not need to be splitted to optimize loading performance, the chunkSplit rule will not take effect.