
    • Type:
    type Client = {
      // The protocol name for the WebSocket request
      protocol?: 'ws' | 'wss';
      // The path for the WebSocket request
      path?: string;
      // The port number for the WebSocket request
      port?: string | number;
      // The host for the WebSocket request
      host?: string;
      // The maximum number of reconnection attempts after a WebSocket request is disconnected.
      reconnect?: number;
      // Whether to display an error overlay in the browser when a compilation error occurs
      overlay?: boolean;
    • Default:
    const defaultConfig = {
      path: '/webpack-hmr',
      port: '<port>',
      // By default it is set to "location.hostname"
      host: '',
      // By default it is set to "location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws'""
      protocol: undefined,
      reconnect: 100,
      overlay: false,

    Configure the client code injected by Modern.js during the development process. This can be used to set the WebSocket URL for HMR.


    The usage of this configuration item is exactly the same as that of Rsbuild. For detailed information, please refer to Rsbuild - dev.client.