
  • Type: Object

output.assetsRetry is used to configure the retry of assets.The type of AssetsRetryOptions is as follows:

export type AssetsRetryHookContext = {
  times: number;
  domain: string;
  url: string;
  tagName: string;

export type AssetsRetryOptions = {
  type?: string[];
  domain?: string[];
  max?: number;
  test?: string | ((url: string) => boolean);
  crossOrigin?: boolean | 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials';
  inlineScript?: boolean;
  onRetry?: (options: AssetsRetryHookContext) => void;
  onSuccess?: (options: AssetsRetryHookContext) => void;
  onFail?: (options: AssetsRetryHookContext) => void;

Since the ability will inject some extra runtime code into HTML, we have disabled this ability by default. If you need to enable it, you can configure it in the form of an object, for example:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {},

When you enable this ability, the default config of assetsRetry is as follows:

export const defaultAssetsRetryOptions: AssetsRetryOptions = {
  type: ['script', 'link', 'img'],
  domain: [],
  max: 3,
  test: '',
  crossOrigin: false,
  onRetry: () => {},
  onSuccess: () => {},
  onFail: () => {},

At the same time, you can also customize your retry logic using the following configurations.


  • Type: string[]
  • Default: []

Specifies the retry domain when assets fail to load. In the domain array, the first item is the currently used domain, and the following items are backup domains. When a asset request for a domain fails, Builder will find that domain in the array and replace it with the next domain in the array.

For example:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      domain: ['https://cdn1.com', 'https://cdn2.com', 'https://cdn3.com'],

After adding the above configuration, when assets fail to load from the cdn1.com domain, the request domain will automatically fallback to cdn2.com.

If the assets request for cdn2.com also fails, the request will fallback to cdn3.com.


  • Type: string[]
  • Default: ['script', 'link', 'img']

Used to specify the HTML tag types that need to be retried. By default, script tags, link tags, and img tags are processed, corresponding to JS code, CSS code, and images.

For example, only script tags and link tags are processed:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      type: ['script', 'link'],


  • Type: number
  • Default: 3

The maximum number of retries for a single asset. For example:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      max: 5,


  • Type: string | ((url: string) => boolean) | undefined
  • Default: undefined

The test function of the asset to be retried. For example:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      test: /cdn\.example\.com/,


  • Type: undefined | boolean | 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials'
  • Default: same as html.crossorigin

When initiating a retry for assets, Builder will recreate the <script> tags. This option allows you to set the crossorigin attribute for these tags.

By default, the value of assetsRetry.crossOrigin will be consistent with the html.crossorigin configuration, so no additional configuration is required. If you need to configure the recreated tags separately, you can use this option, for example:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      crossOrigin: true,


  • Type: undefined | (options: AssetsRetryHookContext) => void

The callback function when the asset is being retried. For example:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      onRetry: ({ times, domain, url, tagName }) => {
          `Retry ${times} times, domain: ${domain}, url: ${url}, tagName: ${tagName}`,


  • Type: undefined | (options: AssetsRetryHookContext) => void

The callback function when the asset is successfully retried. For example:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      onSuccess: ({ times, domain, url, tagName }) => {
          `Retry ${times} times, domain: ${domain}, url: ${url}, tagName: ${tagName}`,


  • Type: undefined | (options: AssetsRetryHookContext) => void

The callback function when the asset is failed to be retried. For example:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      onFail: ({ times, domain, url, tagName }) => {
          `Retry ${times} times, domain: ${domain}, url: ${url}, tagName: ${tagName}`,


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to inline the runtime JavaScript code of assetsRetry into the HTML file.

If you don't want to insert the code in the HTML file, you can set assetsRetry.inlineScript to false:

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      inlineScript: false,

After adding the above configuration, the runtime code of assetsRetry will be extracted into a separate assets-retry.[version].js file and output to the dist directory.

The downside is that assets-retry.[version].js itself may fail to load. If this happens, the assets retry will not work. Therefore, we prefer to inline the runtime code into the HTML file.


When you use assetsRetry, the Builder injects some runtime code into the HTML and serializes the assetsRetry config, inserting it into the runtime code. Therefore, you need to be aware of the following:

  • Avoid configuring sensitive information in assetsRetry, such as internal tokens.
  • Avoid referencing variables or methods outside of onRetry, onSuccess, and onFail.
  • Avoid using syntax with compatibility issues in onRetry, onSuccess and onFail as these functions are inlined directly into the HTML.

Here's an example of incorrect usage:

import { someMethod } from 'utils';

export default {
  output: {
    assetsRetry: {
      onRetry() {
        // Incorrect usage, includes sensitive information
        const privateToken = 'a-private-token';

        // Incorrect usage, uses an external method


assetsRetry may not work in the following scenarios:

Micro-frontend application

If your project is a micro-frontend application (such as a Garfish sub-application), the assets retry may not work because micro-frontend sub-applications are typically not loaded directly based on the <script> tag.

If you need to retry assets in micro-frontend scenarios, please contact the developers of the micro-frontend framework to find a solution.

Dynamic import resources

Currently, assetsRetry cannot work on dynamically imported resources. This feature is being supported.

Resources in custom templates

assetsRetry listens to the page error event to know whether the current resource fails to load and needs to be retried. Therefore, if the resource in the custom template is executed earlier than assetsRetry, then assetsRetry cannot listen to the event that the resource fails to load, so it cannot retry.

If you want assetsRetry to work on resources in custom templates, you can refer to Custom Insertion Example to modify html.inject configuration and custom template.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>custom template</title>
+   <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.tags.headTags %>
    <script src="//example.com/assets/a.js"></script>
    <div id="root" />
+    <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.tags.bodyTags %>