
    • Type: string[] | undefined
    • Default:
    const defaultBrowserListMap: Record<RsbuildTarget, string[]> = {
      web: ['> 0.01%', 'not dead', 'not op_mini all'],
      node: ['node >= 14'],
      'web-worker': ['> 0.01%', 'not dead', 'not op_mini all'],

    Modern.js will give priority to using the configuration in the .browserslistrc file in the project root directory.

    Specifies the range of target browsers that the project is compatible with. This value will be used by SWC and autoprefixer to identify the JavaScript syntax that need to be transformed and the CSS browser prefixes that need to be added.


    The usage of this configuration item is exactly the same as that of Rsbuild. For detailed information, please refer to Rsbuild - output.overrideBrowserslist.