
  • Type:
type Fields = (string | string[])[];

type ResolveMainFields = Fields | Record<BuilderTarget, Fields>;
  • Default: undefined

This config will determine which field of package.json you use to import the npm module. Same as the resolve.mainFields config of webpack.


export default {
  source: {
    resolveMainFields: ['main', 'browser', 'exports'],

Set according to Targets

When you build multiple targets at the same time, you can set different mainFields for different targets. At this point, you need to set resolveMainFields to an object whose key is the corresponding build target.

For example to set different mainFields for web and node:

export default {
  output: {
    source: {
      resolveMainFields: {
        web: ['main', 'browser', 'exports'],
        node: ['main', 'node', 'exports'],