
By default, generator plugins will export a function that takes context as a parameter. During execution, context will be automatically injected into the generator plugin.

import { IPluginContext, ForgedAPI } from '@modern-js/generator-plugin';

export default function (context: IPluginContext) {
  context.onForged(async (_api: ForgedAPI, _input: Record<string, unknown>) => {
     * Todo

context provides two types of APIs, which are used to customize input and define generator plugin lifecycle logic.


Only some APIs are briefly explained below. For the complete API, please refer to Generator Plugin API.

Customize Input

Both Modern.js Framework and Modern.js Module have default input interactions. These APIs can be used to add, modify, hide, and provide default values for these inputs.

For example:

  • Add question
context.addInputBefore('packageManager', {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    'username': {
      type: 'string',
      title: 'Username',
  • Hide question by setting config
context.setDefaultConfig({ langauge: 'ts' });


Generator plugin provide two lifecycle hooks to define generator plugin behavior:

  • onForged: Lifecycle after file operations are completed.

  • afterForged: Lifecycle after the onForged hook function is executed.


Hook function after the Modern.js project scheme generator has completed file operations. It is used to complete file operations in the generator plugin, such as adding template files, overwriting existing files, deleting existing files, etc.

When multiple generator plugins are executed simultaneously for extension type, the onForged operations of the corresponding generator plugins will be executed in order according to the declared order.

The onForged function takes a callback function as a parameter, with api and input as arguments.

context.onForged(async (api: ForgedAPI, input: Record<string, unknown>) => {
  const { language } = input;
      type: FileType.Text,
      file: `src/index.${language as string}`,
      templateFile: `index.${language as string}.handlebars`,
      force: true,

The api object provides file operation-related methods supported by generator plugin.

input is the current user input, which includes the --config parameter definition, the default scheme interaction, and the user input defined by the generator plugin.

When adding a new file template, define the template file in the templates directory, and then operate on it through the api method above. The generator plugin defaults to operating on files in the templates directory, so there is no need to declare the templates path.


Executed after the onForged hook function is completed. It is mainly used to install dependencies, perform git operations, etc.

By default, Modern.js project scheme will install dependencies and initialize Git after completing file operations, and perform git initial submissions, etc. This hook function can be omitted.

For custom generator plugins that also support the custom type, which only provides a small number of best practice project configurations, installation of dependencies and Git initialization operations need to be completed in this hook function.

The afterForged function also takes a callback function as a parameter, with api and input as arguments.

    async (api: AfterForgedAPI, input: Record<string, unknown>) => {
      const { packageManager } = input;'packageManager:', packageManager);
      await api.install();