Data Caching

The cache function allows you to cache the results of data fetching or computation.

Basic Usage

import { cache } from '@modern-js/runtime/cache';
import { fetchUserData } from './api';

const getUser = cache(fetchUserData);

const loader = async () => {
  const user = await getUser(user); // When the parameters of the function changes, the function will be re-executed
  return {


  • fn: The data fetching or computation function to be cached
  • options (optional): Cache configuration
    • tag: Tag to identify the cache, which can be used to invalidate the cache
    • maxAge: Cache validity period (milliseconds)
    • revalidate: Time window for revalidating the cache (milliseconds), similar to HTTP Cache-Control's stale-while-revalidate functionality

The type of the options parameter is as follows:

interface CacheOptions {
  tag?: string | string[];
  maxAge?: number;
  revalidate?: number;

Return Value

The cache function returns a new function with caching capabilities. Multiple calls to this function will not re-execute the fn function.

Usage Scope

Unlike React's cache function which can only be used in server components, EdenX's cache function can be used in any frontend or server-side code.

Detailed Usage

Without options Parameter

When no options parameter is provided, it's primarily useful in SSR projects, the cache lifecycle is limited to a single SSR rendering request. For example, when the same cachedFn is called in multiple data loaders, the cachedFn function won't be executed repeatedly. This allows data sharing between different data loaders while avoiding duplicate requests. EdenX will re-execute the fn function with each server request.


Without the options parameter, it can be considered a replacement for React's cache function and can be used in any server-side code (such as in data loaders of SSR projects), not limited to server components.

import { cache } from '@modern-js/runtime/cache';
import { fetchUserData } from './api';

const getUser = cache(fetchUserData);

const loader = async () => {
  const user = await getUser();
  return {

With options Parameter

maxAge Parameter

After each computation, the framework records the time when the cache is written. When the function is called again, it checks if the cache has expired based on the maxAge parameter. If expired, the fn function is re-executed; otherwise, the cached data is returned.

import { cache, CacheTime } from '@modern-js/runtime/cache';

const getDashboardStats = cache(
  async () => {
    return await fetchComplexStatistics();
    maxAge: CacheTime.MINUTE * 2,  // Calling this function within 2 minutes will return cached data

revalidate Parameter

The revalidate parameter sets a time window for revalidating the cache after it expires. It can be used together with the maxAge parameter, similar to HTTP Cache-Control's stale-while-revalidate mode.

In the following example, within the 2-minute period before the cache expires, calls to getDashboardStats will return cached data. If the cache has expired (between 2 and 3 minutes), requests will first return the old data, then refresh the data in the background and update the cache.

import { cache, CacheTime } from '@modern-js/runtime/cache';

const getDashboardStats = cache(
  async () => {
    return await fetchComplexStatistics();
    maxAge: CacheTime.MINUTE * 2,
    revalidate: CacheTime.MINUTE * 1,

tag Parameter

The tag parameter identifies the cache with a tag, which can be a string or an array of strings. You can invalidate caches based on this tag, and multiple cache functions can use the same tag.

import { cache, revalidateTag } from '@modern-js/runtime/cache';

const getDashboardStats = cache(
  async () => {
    return await fetchDashboardStats();
    tag: 'dashboard',

const getComplexStatistics = cache(
  async () => {
    return await fetchComplexStatistics();
    tag: 'dashboard',

revalidateTag('dashboard-stats'); // Invalidates the cache for both getDashboardStats and getComplexStatistics functions


Currently, both client and server caches are stored in memory. The default storage limit for all cached functions is 1GB. When this limit is reached, the oldest cache is removed using an LRU algorithm.


Considering that the results of cache function caching are not large, they are currently stored in memory by default.

You can specify the storage limit using the configureCache function:

import { configureCache, CacheSize } from '@modern-js/runtime/cache';

  maxSize: CacheSize.MB * 10, // 10MB