
Typically, deploying a Module Federation application requires adjusting the remote module address on the consumer side to its online address.

For example, if the producer is deployed to the domain https://my-remote-module, you can modify the consumer's module-federation.config.ts file as follows:

import { createModuleFederationConfig } from '@module-federation/modern-js';

export default createModuleFederationConfig({
  name: 'host',
  remotes: {
    remote: 'remote@http://my-remote-module/mf-manifest.json',
  shared: {
    react: { singleton: true },
    'react-dom': { singleton: true },

At this point, the consumer will load the manifest configuration file of the remote module in the production environment.

Deployment via Platform

The above deployment method is merely the simplest practice. In real-world scenarios, there are many constraints, such as version management, release sequencing, and more. Within ByteDance, we have set up a deployment process for Module Federation applications on our deployment platform, which helps developers address these issues.

We will continue to keep an eye on platforms with similar functionalities in the community and, in the future, enhance the documentation for deploying Modern.js + Module Federation on these types of platforms.